A Feature Length Documentary
Through Syntropic Farming We Can
Work With Nature’s Cycles:
Feed communities & regenerate the land:
Rediscover Connection and Purpose:
"The biggest external input we use in this activity to have a high yield is wisdom. You don't need fertilizer or chemicals."
Ernst Gotsch
Founder of Syntropic Farming
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Syntropic Farming is a type of ‘successional agroforestry’, shortened in Australia to ‘Syntropics’ and known in Brazil as ‘Agrofloresta’.
Developed by Ernst Götsch in Brazil, it is a form of regenerative agroecology that employs the universal laws of syntropy and entropy (converging and diverging energy) alongside deep wisdom from Indigenous Amazonian forest stewards and farmers.
Simply put, it is a technique that allows us to pack as much Life as possible into one space in a functional way, just like a natural forest does, maximising biodiversity, fertility and abundance.
It’s about seeing a forest as a ‘macroorganism’. The idea is that you observe your local forest to create an ‘analogue forest’, prioritising ‘service’ plants and trees that you can regularly prune for fertility and to create a ‘growth pulse’ through the macroorganism of the forest.
By understanding the life cycle of species and their position within the succession (time) and stratification (light requirement, and spacing) within the forest, you can stack dozens of different species together.
Then, the regular pruning fast-tracks the growth of the forest, meaning an ‘old-growth’ forest won’t take as long as it would otherwise!
Syntropic Farming literally combines reforestation and agriculture, meeting human needs and Earth’s needs in the same patch of land.
Subscribe to our online community and watch our film (when it’s released) to learn more! 😀
'Syntropy is the energy of Life, it converges and leads towards cooperation and love.'
- Ulisse Di Corpo

Syntropy is a physics principle describing a natural tendency for the universe to move towards convergence, order, and growth. Think of gravity, or a seedling taking in the sun’s rays and growing into a giant tree.
Syntropy has a better known twin, Entropy. These two ‘flows of energy’ or ‘directions of reality’ are complementary and eternally existing; not only in what we think is ‘alive’, but throughout all of the universe. They are the positive and negative solutions to the extended formula of e=mc2.
You can think of Syntropy-Entropy as a kind of western Yin-Yang concept or as the universal push-pull energies.
As Charles Eisenstein states: ‘Life is not a statistical anomaly. It is the direction of reality.’
For a long time western science has tried to explain the miracle of Life and ‘living systems’ using only entropic understanding. Read on to understand why that might be…
Okay now I’m curious, can you tell me more about Syntropy and Entropy?
This is where it can get heady. But perhaps ‘hearty’ too. Let’s start with what we know already.
Entropy is an explanation of time as always moving forward in a linear fashion, like ho w we usually perceive reality. One thing ‘causes’ another thing to happen - cause and effect - causal, ‘entropic’ time. Thus when something breaks, we look at what ‘caused’ it to break.
So, Entropy is the universal tendency for systems to break down, for things to move towards decay, divergence, disorder and ultimately death. It is the ‘pushing’ energy.
In contrast, Syntropy explains time as moving backwards, what is called ‘retrocausal’ time. So the ‘cause’ is actually in the future, and we are feeling the ‘effect’ right now, in the present. We are feeling ‘pulled’ towards a particular decision, place, person. Like the seedling that turns towards the sun, absorbs light, water and nutrients to become a tree, or the baby consuming food to grow into an adult. Life, and the universe, is pulled towards its own holistic maturation, its own completion. Before it dies again and breaks down, and the cycle repeats.
Syntropy is the missing physics explanation for the miraculous process by which living systems move naturally towards greater complexity, coherence, and vitality.
Syntropy is when we follow our heart, and we feel alive!
But when it was first proposed, that whole ‘retrocausal’ thing was a bit much for physicists to swallow. Well, fair enough, but it’s been 80-odd years and we reckon it's time to revisit Syntropy!
Subscribe to our online community and watch our film (when it’s released) to learn more 😀
Let’s talk practically for a moment. From ecological collapse to individual isolation, Syntropic Farming is a panacea. It simultaneously addresses food sovereignty, top-soil loss, climate change, biodiverse reforestation, community cohesion, environmental toxification, the meaning crisis, nutritional deficiencies - the list goes on.
But as you might be starting to gather already, this is more than just a simple farming method. It's a way of being, of opening up to have faith in Life and the Universe - inside ourselves, others and Nature.
It’s a scientific call for reconnection with Life.
We all have a natural ability, desire, and role to play on Earth: to cooperate, converge, collaborate, grow, thrive, fruit, nourish, and feed the greater experience that is all of Life.
Syntropy is nothing short of an opening into a world of abundance for self, others and the greater home that we call Earth.
In the spirit of syntropy, we need to work together to make this happen. Please help us make this film a reality by making a contribution, joining our community subscription and spreading the good syntropic word! And all going well, we will have the documentary feature length film finished by the end of 2025.